Saturday, 5 December 2009

December 1st

Tadeáš Hájek z Hájku, 1525- 1600

Also known as Tadeáš Hájek of Hájek, Thaddaeus Hagecius ab Hayek or Thaddeus Nemicus, was the personal physician of the Holy Roman Emperor Rudolph II and a Bohemian astronomer.

Tadeáš Hájek was the son of Šimon Hájek (ca. 1485-1551) from an old Prague family. He was ennobled in 1554 by Ferdinand I of Germany, knighted in 1571 by Maximilian I, later made knight of the Holy Roman Empire by Rudolf II. He had three wives, three sons and one daughter.

In 1548-1549, he studied medicine and astronomy in Vienna and graduated in 1550, receiving his Masters "in artibus" in 1551. In 1554 he studied medicine in Bologna and went to Milan the same year to listen to lectures by Girolamo Cardano, but he soon returned to Prague, where he became a professor of mathematics at the Charles University of Prague in 1555.

He published the Aphorismi Metoposcopici in 1561, dealing with divination and diagnosis by interpreting moles on one's body.

He triangulated the area around Prague and co-authored a map of it in 1563; the map is unfortunately lost now. In 1564 he received the Emperor's privilege stating that no astrological prognostication could be printed in Prague before he had seen and approved it. In 1566-1570, he served as an army doctor in Austria and Hungary during the war with the Ottoman Empire.

He published his studies of a supernova in the constellation Cassiopeia in 1572. Tadeáš Hájek was in frequent scientific correspondence with the recognized astronomer Tycho Brahe (1546-1601) and played an important role in persuading Rudolph II to invite Brahe (and later Kepler) to Prague.

His voluminous writings in Latin were mostly concerned with astronomy and many regarded him as the greatest astronomer of his time. Besides his work, Tadeáš Hájek eagerly collected manuscripts, especially those by Copernicus, and may have been the one to convince Rudolph II to procure the infamous Voynich manuscript.

Throughout his life he also published numerous astrological prognostics in Czech language and that is why he was until recently viewed as an "occultist" rather than a great scientist. He corresponded with John Dee as a result of their common interest in Euclid and geometry.

The lunar crater Hagecius and the asteroid 1995 Hajek are named in his honour.

Editor's comments:

Aphorismi Metoposcopici or Moleosophy when co-related with interpretations of other psychic sciences, substantiates personality and character readings (so they say). Apparently Moleosophy only works when combined with say.... ummmm.... an astrological chart handy and we all know how accurate those are....

I have taken the liberty to list a few 'character' mole locations below. Please note that the editor does not endorse or support these interpretations. So grab your charts and check a photo of your body. It's gonna be a an enlightened two minutes!

Arms: indicates that the person is polite, diligent and will lead a happy married life.

Back: indicates that the person is unreliable and with them one must ensure that all facts are available before one enters any sort of negotiation for any enterprise.

Breast: The right breast is indicative of laziness. Left breast indicates an active and energetic person.

Buttocks: indicate that the person is un-ambitious.

Cheek: indicates a serious and studious person who has no interest in material pleasures.

Chin: indicates that the person is affection and caring. Also they love travelling and have respect for the law of the land. Dedicated, conscientious workers who willingly accept responsibilities.

Elbow: Lucky, lucky.

Finger: Liar, Liar.

Foot: indicates that the person is easy going and laid back.

Genitals: Addicted to sex. (Now that just figures, doesn't it?)

Hand: indicate that the person is talented and will make a success of their life.

Lips: indicates that the person will always aspire to get ahead in life.

Navel: for a man, he will be lucky in life. For a woman, she desires children.

Nose: indicates that the person is a sincere friend and a hard-working individual.

Shoulder: indicates a sensible, industrious individual.

Wrist: indicates a frugal, ingenious and dependable person.

Was it correct? Another "Why your Mother is more accurate that your Horoscope" moment.


  1. Ummm... actually, it seems likely that Hajek never saw the Voynich Manuscript. Because he never mentioned it in any of his (many) letters, many Voynich historians now suspect that the VMs probably arrived at the Rudolfine court after his death (i.e. post-1600).

    That aside, nice post! -)

  2. Thank you, Nick. Nice to know that there are corrections to history and that the VM was never seen by Hajek.

